View our latest blog posts here.
If you’re thinking about buying a home sometime soon and are the kind of person that likes to save tens or hundreds o...
Everything you need to know for the Perseid meteor shower peak in Colorado this August!
Buyers: This Is Your Market to Seize! (For Now)
The latest edition of our seasonal magazine is out now!
So Many Great Homes on the Market! (Will one be yours?)
Right now is a significant moment of opportunity for people who are considering buying a home in the Denver metro area.
As the weather warms up, the Denver real estate market usually tends to heat up as well. This year, the market is sti...
We are quickly approaching the ideal week to sell according to national historical data and local statistics.
Until rates come down, this spring market may feel less like an inferno than in recent years past!
The Denver real estate market is starting to thaw—here’s how you can prepare!
Expect the market to heat back up in 2024!
Five predictions for the Denver real estate market in 2024!
The Schlichter Team attended the annual Compass RETREAT and are back in Denver with even more tools, connections, and...
The real estate market has shifted substantially over the last year and a half...
We aren't just saying it... we are doing it ourselves!
The Best Time in 2023 to be a Denver Area Home Buyer? Right Now.
In the spirit of the change of the seasons, we wanted to share with you the launch of our new seasonal magazine: The...
It's nearly time for one of our favorite seasons in Colorado and this year is expected to be better than ever!
All Real Estate is Local...Or is it?
Contact the top-ranked Schlichter Team today to get started on the sale and/or purchase of your Denver area home.
200 Columbine St., #500 Denver, CO 80206
The Schlichter Team
(720) 502-0505
[email protected]
Thanks For Reaching Out!